Elevate Your Fitness Experience with Vasper
Vasper is a cutting-edge health and fitness technology that integrates compression, cooling, and interval training to aid the body in revitalization, recovery, and achieving peak vitality. In just 21 minutes, a Vasper session stimulates hormone production that emulates the outcomes of a much longer high-intensity workout. This allows a wider population to benefit from an intense workout experience, even if they are unable to engage in such activities at a physical gym. Following a Vasper session, individuals often feel energized and refreshed, ready to heal, recover, and perform at their best.
Revolutionary health and fitness technology developed at NASA that combines three proven strategies:
Compression (Blood Flow Restriction) - During a Vasper workout, compression cuffs are worn on your arms and legs. The pressure the cuffs place on your muscles encourages the rapid build-up of lactic acid and activates fast-twitch muscle fibers, mimicking the physiological effect of anaerobic exercise. In other words, even though Vasper is a low-impact workout, your muscles behave as though they are doing a high-intensity workout.
Cooling - By cooling the body while you exercise, Vasper allows the oxygen-carrying blood to remain in the muscles. This means that your muscles have access to a more consistent supply of oxygen, which is vital for their optimal function and performance.
Interval Training - The body mimics high intensity exercise at a low intensity – studies show increase in testosterone by 22%; decrease in nighttime cortisol by 47% improvement in sleep; increased metabolism.
Studies show Vasper may help:
Optimize Hormone Balance
Build Lean Muscle
Improve Sleep
Increase Metabolic Function
Decrease Inflammation