KPulley Pro

Train every plane, gain every advantage

This state-of-the-art flywheel training device provides comprehensive and versatile power and strength training solutions. These devices enable a wide range of exercises, enhancing overall performance and physical fitness. The kPulley Pro is specifically designed to unlock a variety of horizontal movements, including rotational, pull, push, and lower limb exercises.


  • Versatile Training: Enables a wide range of exercises including upper-body, core, and lower-body workouts, making it suitable for diverse training needs.

  • Real-Time Feedback: The kMeter feedback system provides real-time data on power output and energy expenditure, allowing users to track progress and adjust their training accordingly.

  • Enhanced Strength and Performance: Flywheel resistance training effectively targets multiple muscle groups, enhancing strength, power, and overall performance.

  • Easy Adjustment: The device features a smooth height adjuster, allowing quick and easy transitions between exercises and users.


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